
FedEx billing

Learn how to download your customs shipping documents and dispute charges with FedEx.

Download FedEx customs documentation 

Shipping discrepancies can be a pain, but they are easier to deal with when you can locate your customs shipping documents online to nail down the issue.

FedEx offers tools to download images of the commercial invoice, in-country clearance forms, etc. The forms available vary from shipment to shipment, but you'll almost always get a copy of the commercial invoice at a minimum. These forms are extremely valuable for researching duty and tax discrepancies.

Below are instructions for acquiring these files:

  1. Login to
  2. Go to FedEx Billing Online by clicking on your name in the top right corner; this will expand your account menu. Select Billing and Invoicing, which will open FedEx Billing Online.
  3. Select the Search/Download tab next to Account Summary which will open up a sub-menu where you can select New Search or Download.
  4. Use the Quick Search function on the right of the screen by selecting what information you are using to search on the Search for drop-down. Tracking ID works well, but use whatever you have available and run the search.
  5. On the search results, click on the tracking number hyperlink which will pull up the shipment details.
  6. Select the Download Custom Documentation hyperlink in the Tracking ID Summary section. This will automatically re-direct you to the download center.
  7. From the download center, download the file once its name is a hyperlink. It may take a few seconds or minutes to be ready depending on the size of the file. Use the refresh button at the bottom of the screen to check when it's complete.
  8. Share the file with the appropriate people.

Dispute charges with FedEx 

So you’ve found that your clearance charges may be inaccurate. Don’t worry; it happens. This can be due to an error in classification, currency conversion, etc. Thankfully, FedEx allows you to dispute those charges online instead of waiting to speak to a rep.

Below are instructions for disputing charges:

  1. Repeat steps 1-5 in the above list.
  2. Select Research at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select the appropriate research request type from the drop-down. Most likely this will be Clearance Charges Dispute.
  4. Fill out all of the fields with the applicable information and hit Next.
  5. Review the next screen and submit the request.

Note: FedEx will sometimes require the paper form to be submitted by email to by US payers of duty and tax. Click here to access this form.

Let Zonos handle it 

Although FedEx offers tools that allow you to dispute inaccurate charges, you'll never have to worry about this with Zonos Landed Cost guarantee. We 100% guarantee the amount of duty and tax charged at the time of checkout, and we will handle and cover any discrepancy that may occur.

Frequently asked questions 

How long does it take to receive refunds from disputes?

The process will typically take months depending on the country and carrier. Learn how to avoid this headache with Zonos Landed Cost guarantee!

How can I get in contact with FedEx to find out the status of my dispute?

You can email or call 1800-622-1147 and speak “duties and taxes” at the voice prompt to find out the status.

If Zonos is so accurate, why would I need a Landed Cost guarantee?

Once the package leaves your warehouse, a lot can happen:

  • A customs agent may decide they don’t like your description or HS code and assign another, which could change the amount owed.
  • Unexpected storage, quarantine, or other government fees
  • Human error
  • Missing or incorrect HS codes added to your products


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