
DHL Express account connection

Pull rates direcly from your DHL account.

Easily connect directly to your DHL Express account with a secure one-time sign-in through Zonos Dashboard. Our integration with DHL Express uses their API to pull your live shipping rates so you get the most accurate shipping and landed cost calculations. In order to use this feature, you will need to follow the guidelines outlined in this document to connect your account and then enable DHL service levels in your shipping zones and, as always, test to ensure it’s working properly.


Register with DHL Express

  1. Go to the DHL Express API Developer Portal.
  2. Fill out the registration form, accept the terms and conditions, then click send.
  3. Request a new Site ID via this form.
    1. Select I require credentials to DHL Express and enter Zonos as the Requestor Platform Name.
    2. Under Requested Services, select the checkboxes for Rating and Shipment services.
    3. For usage, simply enter “Rates” and “Labels” respectively in each.
    4. For transaction volume, enter your best guess. This does not need to be accurate.
    • If you have trouble with these steps, please reach out to your DHL account rep.
  4. Once the Site ID is requested, DHL will assign the Site ID or reach out for additional information within 1 business day. You will receive two emails:
    1. Email 1 - Contains link to test credentials. You can disregard this email.
    2. Email 2 - Contains link to production credentials, which are needed for Zonos integration.
      1. API Key (same as Site ID)
      2. API Password

Note: The email with the API production credentials will take about 24 hours to be received.


Connect your DHL account to Zonos

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Rates.
  2. Click Add carrier.
  3. Select DHL.
  4. Enter the production API credentials you received in your DHL API registration email as follows:
    1. API key
    2. API password
  5. Enter your main billing DHL account number.
  6. Click Save to finish.

Start using your DHL Express rates

Now that you have your DHL account connected, you will need to do the following to begin using your live DHL Express rates for shipping quotes:

  1. Create shipping zones - Shipping zones allow you to have different service levels, rules, and shipping rates for different countries or groups of countries. There is no limit to how many shipping zones you can create.
  2. Enable DHL Express service levels - Enabling service levels in the zones that you want to use them in allows you to offer different service levels to different zones.
  3. Test your shipping - Test your shipping to make sure everything is working properly and being displayed as intended before being used in production or going live on your website.

For accurate quotes: You must have item weights set for each item in your shopping cart platform in order to get accurate shipping quotes. If you have items or boxes larger than 11” on any side, your items may need to be calculated with dimensional weight to get accurate quotes. Please contact support for options.

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