Test shipping

Test shipping rates

Test shipping rates before going live.

After creating custom shipping options or connecting carriers, it's important to make sure your shipping is being displayed as intended before being used in production or going live on your website. Testing your shipping helps to ensure your customers in each country are seeing the rules, carriers, and service levels that you want them to see at checkout. Calculating rates correctly helps to ensure your landed cost and shipping quotes are accurate. Follow the guidelines outlined in this document or in the video walkthrough to the right of this page to learn how to test your shipping in Zonos Dashboard.

Steps to test shipping 

Follow the instructions below to test your shipping options:

  1. Log in to Dashboard.
  2. On the left sidebar, click Orders --> Mock checkout.
  3. Ensure the country selected in the mock checkout is part of the shipping zone where you've enabled the shipping option or service level you're testing for.
    1. For example: if you were testing a shipment to Canada, make sure the zone where you added your new shipping option has Canada enabled or your shipping option will not show up at checkout.
  4. Additionally, if you are testing specific rates, you may want to update the items section by clicking on Test product description.
    1. This will open a page where you can modify HS code, country of origin, quantity, and dimensions. You can fill out the desired information and click Save, which will take you back to the main mock checkout screen.
  5. On the right, below the URL parameters, click Generate checkout.
  6. You will be redirected to a mock checkout page where you can view all shipping types offered for the cart that was created, including available carriers and the service levels offered, as well as shipping quotes based on rules and custom shipping options that you have added to the shipping zone of the country you are testing for.

Test shipping mock checkout

Troubleshooting shipping 

Common problems with shipping rating and their solutions:

Enabled shipping options are not showing up in the checkout

  • Check to see if you have any shipping buffers set up that might conflict with your shipping options and disable them.
  • Check to see what zone you enabled or created your service level and/or custom shipping option in. When you create your custom shipping you do it in a zone, so it will only show up for shipping addresses that are in a country in the zone you created it for. For service levels, you enable them per zone, so check that the correct service level is enabled for a particular zone.

Enabled shipping options are charging the wrong amount in the checkout

  • Check to see if you have any shipping buffers set up that might change/add costs to your shipping prices and disable them.

Disable other service levels/options so that only my chosen service level or custom rule option shows up

  • Go to Settings -> Shipment rates -> Shipping zones
    • Select the zone in which you're testing.
    • Scroll down to Enabled service levels and deselect all service levels except the one you want to appear at checkout for this zone.
    • If it's a custom shipping option that you want to appear, ensure the rule is created in this zone and deselect all enabled service levels.

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