Test your integration

Test your integration

Test that your Checkout integration is working.

It is essential to test your Zonos Checkout installation as you progress and before going live to ensure that it is working as expected and configured correctly.

Test shipping quotes

  1. With Zonos enabled, go to your website and impersonate an international shopper by changing the Zonos Hello flag to an international country to which you plan to ship. If the Hello flag is not present, add the following to the end of your URL to force it to appear: ?zCountry=CA
    1. If you do not sell internationally to Canada, replace “CA” in the string above with another country code for a country you do ship internationally to.
  2. Add item(s) to your cart. We recommend using a higher value to ensure that duties and taxes will be due for the order.
  3. Proceed to the checkout. You should be redirected to the Checkout page branded with your logo.
  4. Enter a valid international address. If you need to look up a valid address, use a random address generator. If you are using a carrier connection for shipping rates, you will need to use a real address or you won’t get quotes back.

If set up correctly, you will see shipping quotes along with duties and taxes in your shipping methods!

Place a test order

Test an iframe integration

If Checkout was integrated using an iFrame, the testing process is different.

  1. Follow the steps above to generate an international checkout. Add the following:
    1. Use your own email address when entering the shipping information.
    2. If you have promo codes enabled in your Checkout settings, enter a promo code during this checkout to ensure it works properly.
  2. Complete the order by entering credit card information and clicking Place My Order.
    1. If you would like to use a test credit card, contact or, if you are working with a Project Manager, reach out to them for a test credit card number.
    2. If you are using an iframe, you may need to take a few additional steps to place an order with test card information.

If Zonos was configured correctly, the following should occur:

  • You should immediately be taken to an order success page.
  • The order should appear in Dashboard -> Orders within a few minutes.
  • The order should also appear in your ecommerce platform’s order page.
  • You should receive an order confirmation in your email inbox.

Test order system flow

Follow your test order through your systems for fulfillment, label printing, and finances to ensure there are no conflicts.

Print labels from Dashboard

  1. Confirm labels will generate successfully by printing a label. If you have multiple carriers enabled, print a label for each carrier. You can void your label after printing it, then use the same order to test more carriers' labels.
    1. If you receive an error when printing a label in Dashboard, learn how to resolve label errors.
  2. Confirm that you receive an email notifying you that the order has shipped.
  3. Once tested, void the label, then cancel and refund your test order.
  4. Confirm that you receive an email notifying you that the order has been cancelled.

If you print your labels outside of Dashboard

  1. There are several checkpoints that you will want to ensure are working correctly. Talk with your Professional Services Project Manager to complete the checkpoints below to ensure all information is flowing as it should:
    1. The shipping label generated uses the same shipping service level that was paid for.
    2. Labels are printed DDP/ DDU when appropriate.
    3. The product information on the commercial invoice matches what Zonos used.
    4. Tracking information syncs back to Dashboard.
  2. Once tested, void the label, then cancel and refund your test order.
  3. Confirm that you receive an email notifying you that the order has been cancelled.

Test your website

  1. Complete a checkout as a domestic customer (if needed, change the Hello flag back to your domestic country). Ensure that you get to your native ecommerce checkout instead of the Zonos Checkout.
  2. Check that information that only applies to your domestic customers is hidden from your international customers on product and cart pages.

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