Tax IDs

International tax IDs

Learn when to register for your own tax IDs.

With Zonos' Landed Cost guarantee, you will automatically be able to use our tax IDs for shipments to the UK, EU, and Norway. This allows you to be compliant and take advantage of some savings even when you do not have your own registrations in these countries. Other countries, like Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, use store-specific thresholds for their tax schemes. If you exceed the threshold in Singapore, you will be able to add the Zonos tax ID for Singapore to your account. If you exceed the thresholds in Australia or New Zealand, we will help you register for your own tax ID and help file your taxes to these countries.

Using Zonos tax IDs 

When using our Landed Cost guarantee, Zonos automatically applies our tax IDs for the UK, EU, and Norway to your account. You do not need to register for your own tax IDs in these countries.

The UK VAT scheme requires a UK VAT ID if you ship any low-value (valued under 135 GBP) orders to the UK.

  • Without a UK VAT ID, you would not be allowed to accept orders under 135 GBP to the UK.
  • Since the carriers are not involved in remitting the VAT to the UK for these orders, you can collect tax at the time of checkout but not have to pay DDP fees on these low-value orders.

Additional tax ID registration 

Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore use store-specific selling thresholds for their tax schemes. If you exceed the thresholds in Australia or New Zealand, we will help you file your taxes using your own tax IDs. If you exceed the threshold for Singapore, we will add Zonos' Singapore GST number to your account.

You are required to register for an Australian Tax Office (ATO) number if you sell, or expect to sell, over the threshold of 75,000 AUD in a 12-month period. Wholesale and B2B transactions are exempt from the threshold calculation and do not need to be remitted.

How it affects you

  • If you are required to register for an ATO number, the de minimis will no longer apply to your business. This means that every order to Australia is taxable. Zonos automatically adapts our calculations to charge taxes on all applicable orders when you have an ATO number in Dashboard.
  • If you sell less than 75,000 AUD to Australia in your 12-month period, you do not need to register for an ATO number. You will only have to pay taxes on orders over 1,000 AUD to Australia, and can use the normal DDP process to do so.

If you need to register for an ATO number, Zonos can help you register and remit your taxes. Once you have an ATO number, add it to Dashboard using the steps below.

Add tax IDs to Dashboard 

Entering your tax IDs in Dashboard ensures they will be used in our calculations and the IDs are present on any commercial invoice you print from Dashboard. Add your tax IDs using the steps below:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Tax IDs.
  2. Select your country/region in the dropdown Select a country/region.
  3. Enter the requested information.
  4. Click Save.

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