

Manage your Zonos account, orders, shipping, and more.

Zonos Dashboard is a user-friendly interface that helps you manage and make changes to your Zonos account. With Dashboard, you can manage orders, configure shipping rates and zones, download billing statements, stay updated on new product changes, and more.

Get started 

Dashboard's homepage provides quick and helpful links to get you up and running, including links to orders, billing, and documentation. You can also use the search bar at the top of the page to look for orders and products, or use the left-hand navigation menu to find what you need.

Dashboard with multiple accounts 

Dashboard allows you to access multiple Zonos accounts with the same login, which enables you to switch what you see in Dashboard for different storefronts, managed accounts, or other multi-account scenarios. If you have multiple Zonos accounts tied to your user, the currently active account will be shown next to your name in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Clicking your name will allow you to switch accounts by selecting the Click to switch… option. To set up additional Zonos accounts, please contact us.

Find your Zonos store identification number 

A store identification number (ID) is generated for you when you create your Zonos account. This uniquely identifies your account and is different from your account’s name. You can find your store ID in your Dashboard account by going to Settings -> Dashboard -> Integrations. Under App Credentials, the item named Zonos account number is your store ID.

Browser compatibility 

Dashboard officially supports the following web browsers:

  • Evergreen versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge
  • The latest two major versions of Safari
  • The most recent major version of Chrome for Android
  • The most recent major version of Safari for iOS

Keep in mind that while Dashboard supports mobile browsers and will work on them, it is not designed with mobile compatibility as a priority.

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