
General settings

Add or edit your company information.

Stores can manage their account information, such as business name and URL within their general settings. Other settings include Dashboard currency, business address, and sender email address for customer communication. To add or edit your general settings, go to Dashboard -> Settings -> General and complete the fields as outlined below.

Business details 

  1. Add your business name. This will be the name displayed in Dashboard and on your labels.
  2. Add your website URL. This is the main public URL for your store or account.
  3. Select your ecommerce platform.
  4. If located in Europe, enter your EORI number, if applicable.
  5. Click Save.

Ecommerce settings 

  1. Add your native currency. This will be used for inclusive pricing and does not impact other Zonos calculations.
  2. Click Save.

Business address 

  1. Add your store address. If you have multiple locations, use the main location of your store. You can add other locations as warehouses later.
  2. Click Save.

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