Promo codes

Checkout promo codes

Enable promo codes in Checkout.

By utilizing promo codes, you can enhance the customer experience at checkout by offering them a reduced payment amount. With the flexibility to personalize these options, you can develop unique and effective marketing strategies tailored to your shoppers' preferences and behaviors. Zonos Checkout allows you to manage and utilize promo codes in the following ways:

  • Create coupon codes that can be shared directly with shoppers that apply on top of discounts
  • Apply flat rate or percentage discounts to the shopping cart subtotal
  • Apply flat rate or percentage discounts to a specific product
  • Apply flat rate or percentage discounts to shipping

Create a promo code in Dashboard

To create a discount code in Dashboard:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Discounts.
  2. Click New discount.
  3. Enter the discount code details.
    1. Enter the text of code in the following format: "ZONOS".
    2. Add a description.
    3. Select the discount type (amount or percentage) from the dropdown and add a value.
    4. Select what portion of the order (or which specific items) you want the discount to apply to.
    5. Enter requirements for minimum purchase and user limits (or choose to not apply them).
    6. Optional—Enter a start and end date.
  4. Click Create discount code.

Promo code

Deactivate a promo code

To deactivate an existing promo code:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Discounts.
  2. Select the promo code you want to deactivate.
  3. Enter an end date prior to the current date.
  4. Click Save discount code.

Delete a promo code

To delete a promo code entirely:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Discounts.
  2. Select the promo code you want to delete.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Deactivate discount.

Integrate from ecommerce platform 

While managing your international promo codes in Dashboard is preferred, some integrations are able to use the promo codes from your ecommerce platform.

Promo codes from your ecommerce platform can only be entered on your cart page. Once the shopper proceeds to the checkout, they will no longer be able to modify the promo code they entered. Promo codes for international shoppers should either be managed through Dashboard or through the ecommerce platform. Both should not be enabled together, as this could result in multiple promo codes being applied.

Magento Checkout does not support pulling promo codes from Magento as it causes order import issues. Dashboard promo codes must be used with Magento Checkout integrations.

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