Get started


Get started with Hello

Get up and running quickly with Hello.

Zonos Hello allows you to easily create a localized experience for your international shoppers. With Hello, you can greet your international shoppers in their language, let them know you ship to them, inform them about duties and taxes, do currency conversion, and more.

Getting started with Hello is easy and fast. Follow the steps below to get Hello up and running on your site today.


Create an account and get API key

If you don't yet have a Zonos account, you will need to create one in order to get a Zonos API key, which is needed for integrating Hello on your site.

Once you have a Zonos account, you can get your API key by following these steps:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Integrations.
  2. Copy your API key.

Add Hello to your site

The quickest way to add Hello to your ecommerce store is using one of our premade plugins.


Configure Hello

From within Dashboard, you can configure the various features of Hello to your liking. By default, Hello is designed to show only for your international shoppers, but you can change this behavior if you wish.


Test Hello

Once Hello is installed on your site, you can easily test Hello by adding a query parameter to your URL. For example, if your site is, you can test Hello by going to This will force Hello to treat you as a shopper from the specified country, allowing you to see exactly what your international shoppers would. See our full testing guide for detailed testing instructions.

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