Customize appearance

Customize your Checkout appearance

Customize Checkout and Hello to match your brand.

Zonos Checkout supports a few customizations options to help you find the look and feel that best fits in with your brand aesthetic and online presence. These options can be configured either through Dashboard or via the Zonos API. Theme customizations you apply to Checkout will also show up across your entire international ecommerce experience using Zonos - meaning that Zonos Hello as well as any shopper-facing order emails sent by Zonos will all match.

Customized Checkout examples

Available customizations 

The following customizations are available when customizing your theme:

  • Color scheme: Checkout supports light mod or dark mode colors for adjusting the base colors across your international shopper experience. Choose which fits best for your store.
  • Logo: Checkout supports displaying your logo in the checkout interface, order emails, and more.
  • Primary brand color: You can specify your primary brand color which will be used to provide accent colors across the shopper experience which will be consistent with your overall brand aesthetic. By default this will automatically pull from your uploaded logo, but you can override it with whichever color you like.
  • Accent brand color: You can specify an accent brand color which will be used to provide secondary colors across the shopper experience which will be consistent with your overall brand aesthetic. By default this will automatically pull from your uploaded logo, but you can override it with whichever color you like.
  • UI style: You can specify from a variety of UI styles such as "rounded" or "sharp" to adjust the look and feel of the Checkout interface.

These customizations only apply to Checkout, Hello, and any related shopper-facing order notification emails - they will not affect the rest of your site outside of experiences provided by Zonos.

Branding settings

Changing appearance settings 

To adjust your Checkout appearance settings from Dashboard:

  1. Visit Dashboard -> Settings -> Branding.
  2. Adjust your settings as desired. You will see a live preview as you do so. Adjusting your settings won't affect your live checkout flow until you save your changes.
  3. Once you're satisfied with your changes, click Save.

You can toggle between mobile and desktop views to see how your changes will look on each device, as well as preview how your changes will look on your actual website.

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