Handling discounts

Use discounted amounts in rate requests

Automatically re-calculate landed cost when discounts are applied at checkout.


Due to the way Shopify's platform works, Zonos is only able to calculate landed cost when shipment rates are requested by the checkout. Because applying a discount code does not normally affect shipping rates, Shopify does not trigger a new rate request when a discount is applied. This means that Zonos does not receive the updated order total and cannot re-calculate landed cost.

If you are on Shopify Plus, the Zonos app can use Shopify's "Extensibility" feature to inject a script into the checkout that will trigger a new rate request when a discount is applied. This will allow Zonos to re-calculate landed cost and display the updated total to the customer, ensuring that what they see is always representitive of the final cost, including any discounts.

This is only possible on Shopify Plus because it requires the use of Shopify's Extensibility API, which is not available on regular Shopify plans.

Enabling discounted rate requests 

To add the Zonos Duty Tax Plus Features app block to your Checkout, you will need to enable the features in the Zonos app settings and then add the app block to your Checkout.


Enable calculating based on discounted rates

  1. Go to the Zonos app in your Shopify admin.
  2. Under the Checkout settings section, toggle the Use discounted amounts in rate requests checkbox to your liking.
  3. Click Save.

Add app block in your checkout profile

  1. In your Shopify admin, go to Settings -> Checkout -> Customize.
  2. At the bottom of the page that opens, click the Add App Block button.
  3. Upon clicking Add App Block you should see the Zonos Duty Tax Plus Features section in the list of available app blocks.
  4. Click on Zonos Duty Tax Plus Features to expand the section and select both of the checkboxes underneath.
  5. Click Save to apply changes to your checkout profile.

Removing the extension 

  1. In your Shopify admin, go to Settings -> Checkout -> Customize.
  2. Click on the Zonos Duty Tax Plus Features option in the checkout module list.
  3. Click the Remove app from checkout button on the left-hand side of the page.
  4. Click Save to apply changes to your checkout profile.

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