Custom messages


Display custom messages in Hello

Learn how to display translated custom messages to your international shoppers

Custom messages are a great way to communicate with your shoppers. You can use them to display translated messages to your international shoppers depending on their location, such as informing them about shipping delays or letting them know about a promotion.

Custom messages can be enabled only for specific countries and languages. For example, you can display a message to your shoppers in the United States and Canada but not to those in the United Kingdom.

Any message you add will be automatically translated into all supported languages, with the correct language displayed to the shopper based on their browser settings.

Message example

Creating custom messages 

Custom messages can be managed in Dashboard. To create a custom message, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings.
  2. Under the Hello section, click Custom messages.
  3. Click Add custom message.
  4. Enter your custom message information, such as the message text, enabled countries, and page to display on.
  5. Click Save.

You can edit or delete a custom message by clicking the ••• button on the right of the message in the list.

Custom message locations 

You have the option of dynamically displaying custom messages only on specific pages, to give shoppers relevant information at the right time. You can choose to display custom messages on the following pages:

  • Default - Display the message on all pages
  • Home page
  • Product list page
  • Product detail page
  • Cart page

In order for the dynamic page display to work, you must have the correct URL patterns set up in your Hello settings in Dashboard:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Hello settings
  2. Under the Page URL patterns section, add the relevant URLs for each page. Regex syntax is supported here for more advanced matching.
  3. Click Save at the top of the page.

Managing message translations 

When you create a custom message, it will be automatically translated into all supported languages.

Once you have created a custom message, it will go into a translation queue and be translated within a few minutes. The message will be grayed-out in the list until the translation is complete. To view the translated version of the message, click the ••• button on the right of the message and select View translations.

If you wish to decline any of the automatic translations, you can click the "thumbs down" button next to the translation. This will remove the translation from being displayed as well as providing feedback to our translation system.

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