PayPal wallets

PayPal wallets in Checkout

Accept payments via PayPal in Checkout.

Zonos Checkout supports PayPal wallets as a payment method for international transactions for merchants who are based in the US. There is no additional setup required to accept PayPal payments in Checkout.

Shoppers will see PayPal as a possible option in the list of payment methods during the checkout process. When they select PayPal, they will be redirected to the PayPal website to log in and select their payment method. After completing the payment, they will be redirected back to Checkout to finish placing their order.

Unlike credit/debit cards and other Stripe-powered payment methods, on PayPal orders Zonos is the merchant of record. This is due to differences in the way PayPal processes transactions compared to other payment methods.

Payments processed via PayPal are collected by Zonos and paid out to merchants as part of the existing Payout process, meaning that there is no need to set up a separate PayPal account to receive payments.

Hide domestic elements 

You can use Zonos Hello to hide domestic elements on your site, so that if you have a domestic PayPal integration, it will not be shown to international customers. This can be done by adding the .z-intl class to any elements you wish to by hidden. When Hello detects your shopper is international, .z-intl acts as a "hidden" class.

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