Order notifications

Order notifications

Get email notifications for international orders.

Zonos supports a variety of email notifications, both for you and your shoppers. If desired, you can use Zonos to send email notifications to your customers. To avoid duplicating emails, you should only use Zonos to send these notifications if your ecommerce platform does not already do so. For example, a Zonos JS integration does not use a plugin that is tied to an ecommerce platform, so the orders typically only appear in Dashboard. If you do not import these orders into your ecommerce platform, you will need to use Zonos for all email communications on those orders. Zonos can also send you a notification each time you receive an international order. All notifications can be managed by following the instructions below.

Notify shoppers 

Zonos can send email notifications to your shoppers on your behalf for the following events:

  • Order confirmation
  • Order cancellation
  • Order refund
  • Order shipped
  • Abandoned cart

To enable this feature, you must first verify the email address you would like Zonos to use to send these notifications, then choose which notifications you would like us to send.

Verify your email address

To verify your email so that Zonos can send emails to your customers on your behalf, complete the following:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Checkout.
  2. Scroll to the Sender Email Address section.
  3. Input the email address you would like us to use as the sender for email notifications to your customers.
  4. Click Save.
  5. You will receive an authorization email from Amazon Web Services (AWS). Follow the link in the email to verify your email address. The link will expire after 24 hours.

    Note: If the link has expired, add your email to Dashboard again and click Save to send a new email.

  6. Once you have verified your email address, a banner will appear in Dashboard where you input your email, confirming that your email address has been verified.

Amazon Web Services email example

Notify retailers 

Zonos supports a basic system for sending an email to one or more email addresses to notify them when you receive a new order. These are mainly used when orders do not sync to your ecommerce system, which is common with Zonos JS integrations.

Enable order notifications

To enable order notification emails to retailers:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Checkout settings.
  2. Scroll to the Email section and enter which email addresses you wish to send notifications to when you receive a new order.
  3. Click Save.
Sample order notification email

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