Test iframes

Test an iframe integration

Create a test order for an iframe integration.

When Zonos Checkout is integrated using an iframe, the process for creating test orders is a bit different because you can't edit the URL for a page in an iframe as easily. In order to get around this, you need to bypass using an iframe for testing purposes.

Create a test order 

  1. Go to your international checkout page from your live site or testing environment.

  2. In your browser's address bar, change the URL from to

  3. Next, add &zonosTestMode=1 to either the end of the URL. This could look like:

  4. Enter a test address with the correct format into the destination country.

  5. Select a shipping option.

  6. Contact support to acquire a test credit card number. Once the test credit card number is acquired, enter any future expiration date as well as any 3-digit CVC code.

  7. Select Place My Order.

Hidden iframe 

  1. On the checkout page, right-click and select view frame source.

  2. The address bar will now show a format similar to this:

    1. view-source:
  3. Delete the view-source: portion at the beginning of the URL.

  4. Next, add &zonosTestMode=1 to either the end of the URL. This could look like:

  5. Press Enter.

  6. Continue with your test order.

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