Mock checkout

Mock checkout

Create test carts to test your integration.

The Mock Checkout feature within Dashboard allows you to quickly and easily create example carts that you can use to debug your integration, create test orders, or manually place orders.

To access Mock Checkout, log in to your Dashboard and go to Orders -> Mock checkout.

The mock checkout prefills your cart and items with high-quality, realistic-looking test data. If you do not want to use the test data, erase it and fill in your desired information.

Mock checkout example

Helpful graphic that shows the mock checkout features within Zonos

Create a mock checkout 

Follow the steps in this section to create a mock checkout to test your integration:


Add items to the cart

Click add item to add a new item to your mock checkout. You can add as many items as you'd like.


Edit ship-to information

You can edit the ship-to name, company, email, and address under the Shipping Information card.


API request body

On the right-hand side of the mock checkout, you can see the API request JSON body used to create your cart. You and Zonos can use this to debug your Checkout API integration.


Generate a checkout

When you are satisfied with how your cart looks, click the blue Generate checkout button on the right, which will take you to your hosted Checkout page.

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