Download payout invoices

Download payouts and invoices

View and download your payouts and invoices.

Learn where and how to view and download your payouts and invoices for Zonos Checkout.


  1. Log in to Dashboard and click on Billing in the left menu.
  2. Next, click on either the Payouts or Invoices option, depending on which of these you’re looking to download.
  3. Select the payout or invoice that you’d like to download.
  4. Select Export.

Understand payouts and invoices 

Statement IDIndividual ID for each payout or invoice (billing or payment)
StatusWill show “OPEN” or “PAID”
Gross totalTotal amount collected for all orders per payout or invoice
FeesTotal fees deducted for any transaction, fps, or merchant fees
Net totalAmount that will be or was deposited into your bank account
DateDate that invoice or payout was paid

To see individual invoice or payout details with each order that has been or will be paid out, click on any of the statement IDs. This will have the following:

  • Zonos order ID
  • Your order ID (if provided)
  • Order total
  • Fees total
  • The total amount paid (or net total) on each order.

You will also find a grand total for the fees and the total payout amount at the top of the invoice or payout detail.

To download individual payout or invoice details to a CSV file, select the blue Export button just above Net total.

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