Flat rate shipping


Flat-rate shipping

Set up a flat-rate shipping option.

Flat-rate shipping can be based on shopping cart price and/or weight using a price tier or weight tier, or for specific countries for a service level.

Examples of flat-rate shipping:

  • Offer 15 USD shipping for any order between 0 USD and 200 USD to Canada for a service level
  • Offer 5 GBP shipping for all orders that weigh under 5lbs to Great Britain for a service level
  • Offer 20 EUR shipping for all orders that weigh under 2kg to Germany for a service level

Add flat-rate shipping

Note: You must have at least one shipping zone set up prior to creating your flat-rate shipping. You must add flat-rate shipping to each applicable zone.

Create a rule to make a flat-rate shipping option.

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Shipping -> Shipping rates.

  2. Select a carrier then click the service level you want to add a rate to.

  3. Click Manage rates -> Create flat rate

  4. You can now choose whether if the service will be offered based on price or weight by selecting Cart subtotal or Cart weight.

    • If Cart subtotal is selected, then you will also need to choose the currency being used.
    • If Cart weight is selected, then you will need to choose the currency and the weight units.
      • If you are using weight tiers for shipping rates, you must have item weights set for each item in your shopping cart platform or Catalog in order for the rules to work properly.
  5. Set up your rates using the dropdowns greater than, less than, or between, then entering the cart price or cart weight ranges based on the fields that appear and your specifications.

  6. Click Save to finish adding your new flat-rate shipping option.

  7. Be sure to test your new shipping rate.

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