Checkout conversion report

Checkout conversion report

Get at a glance information about your checkout performance.

The Checkout conversion report helps you understand how your customers are interacting with your checkout process and where you can make improvements. This report displays information about overall conversion, a detailed breakdown of conversion between Checkout steps, and the ability to compare conversion rates between different time periods.

The Checkout conversion report is only available to users of the latest version of Zonos Checkout.

Checkout conversion report in Dashboard

Access the conversion report 

The Checkout conversion report is available as part of the Daily Summary report in Dashboard, accessible via the Home page. Any selected date ranges for diplay or comparison in the Daily Summary report will also apply to the Checkout conversion report.

Conversion metrics 

The Checkout conversion report provides the following metrics:

  • Conversion rate: The percentage of customers who completed the full checkout process for the given period and the change vs the previous period.
  • Sessions by step: The number of sessions that reached each step of the checkout process for the given period and the change vs the previous period.
  • Time to convert by step: The average time it took for customers to reach each step of the checkout process for the given period and the change vs the previous period.
  • Drop-off rate by step: The percentage of customers who dropped off at each step of the checkout process for the given period and the change vs the previous period.

Step comparison by period 

Hovering over each column in the step-by-step conversion chart will display additional information about both the current and previous period, allowing you to easily compare.

Interpret the data 

Monitor this report to monitor your checkout performance over time, identify areas where customers may be dropping off, and make data-driven decisions to improve your checkout process. Keep in mind that it may take time to see significant changes in conversion rates, so be patient as you make adjustments. This is especially relevant when first going live with Checkout, as it will take time for data to accumulate and trends to emerge in a statistically relevant way.

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