带折扣的 Landed cost
注意: 目前,此功能仅适用于使用我们的 Landed Cost API 的客户。
以下是处理 checkout 中折扣的几种不同方式:
- 让 Zonos 算法计算 landed cost 中的折扣。
- 使用您自己的算法计算折扣,然后请求 landed cost。
- 获取未应用折扣的 landed cost 请求。
您如何管理带折扣的 landed cost 计算的决定将基于修改商业发票的能力。请参阅我们的文档,了解如何 将折扣或免费运输应用于商业发票 以了解更多信息。
Zonos Landed Cost 可以自动代表您分配折扣。这使您能够向跨境购物者提供折扣,而不会过多或过少收取关税和税费。
您可以在 discounts
数组中发送订单级别折扣,例如 促销代码,使用 landed cost 请求。
"discounts": [
"id": "SURRENDER",
"amount": 10.0,
"detail": null
折扣金额将按比例分配到 landed cost 请求中的各个项目,直至订单的总折扣值。每个项目的价值变化将在响应中的 note
字段中反映。请参阅商业发票折扣文档中 促销代码 部分的示例。
注意: 如果折扣的价值使项目的价值接近零或负值,折扣也将适用于运费。
"customs": {
"amount_shipping": 20.0,
"delivery_duty_paid": "unavailable",
"items": [
"id": "294395",
"amount": 15.0,
"country_of_origin": "CN",
"country_of_origin_source": "platform",
"description_customs": "Men's t-shirt 100% cotton",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Men's Tee Black",
"detail": null,
"dimensions": {
"height": 1.0,
"length": 1.0,
"unit": "inches",
"width": 1.0
"hs_code": "6217.10",
"hs_code_source": "Account default HS code",
"image_url": "https://zonos.com/images/handbag.webp",
"note": "Item was discounted by 25% from 20.00 USD to 15.00 USD",
"quantity": 1,
"upc_code": null,
"weight": 1,
"weight_unit": "pound"
"id": "294396",
"amount": 11.25,
"country_of_origin": "CN",
"country_of_origin_source": "platform",
"description_customs": "Men’s 100% cotton costume for dress up",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Martian Soldier Costume",
"detail": null,
"dimensions": {
"height": 1.0,
"length": 1.0,
"unit": "inches",
"width": 1.0
"hs_code": null,
"hs_code_source": "Account default HS code",
"image_url": "https://zonos.com/images/handbag.webp",
"note": "Item was discounted by 25% from 15.00 USD to 11.25 USD",
"quantity": 1,
"upc_code": null,
"weight": 1,
"weight_unit": "pound"
"id": "294397",
"amount": 3.75,
"country_of_origin": "CN",
"country_of_origin_source": "platform",
"description_customs": "100% cotton headband",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Headband",
"detail": null,
"dimensions": {
"height": 1.0,
"length": 1.0,
"unit": "inches",
"width": 1.0
"hs_code": "6505.00.10",
"hs_code_source": "Account default HS code",
"image_url": "https://zonos.com/images/handbag.webp",
"note": "Item was discounted by 25% from 5.00 USD to 3.75 USD",
"quantity": 1,
"upc_code": null,
"weight": 1,
"weight_unit": "pound"
"ship_to_country": "FR"
要发送免费物品,我们建议发送一个 amount_discount
,其值等于物品的 amount
。这将使总金额为 0 美元。
在 items.amount
为 0
且未使用 amount_discount
的情况下,将使用 5.00 美元的账户默认值作为免费物品的估计值。剩余的 5.00 美元将分配给其他物品。此默认值可以在 Dashboard 中更改。
请注意,我们不支持对订单中唯一物品的 100% 折扣。只有在订单中有其他价格大于零的物品时,我们才允许物品享受 100% 的折扣。
"items": [
"id": "294395",
"amount": 20.0,
"amount_discount": null,
"country_of_origin": "FR",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Men's Tee Black",
"hs_code": "6217.10",
"quantity": 1,
"weight": 1.0,
"weight_unit": "pound"
"id": "294395",
"amount": 4.5,
"amount_discount": 4.5,
"country_of_origin": "FR",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Men's Tee Black",
"hs_code": "6217.10",
"quantity": 1,
"weight": 1.0,
"weight_unit": "pound"
当landed cost请求包含一个免费项目(该项目的折扣等于该项目的总成本)时,折扣将以与订单级别折扣相同的方式应用——订单中的每个项目将按比例折扣,直到该单个项目的金额,而不是该特定项目显示100%的折扣。
"customs": {
"amount_shipping": 12.5,
"delivery_duty_paid": "unknown",
"items": [
"id": "294395",
"amount": 16.33,
"country_of_origin": "CN",
"country_of_origin_source": "platform",
"description_customs": "Men's t-shirt 100% cotton",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Men's Tee Black",
"detail": null,
"dimensions": {
"height": 4.0,
"length": 6.0,
"unit": "inches",
"width": 11.0
"hs_code": "6217.10",
"hs_code_source": "Account default HS code",
"image_url": "https://zonos.com/images/handbag.webp",
"note": "Item was discounted by 18.37% from 20.00 USD to 16.33 USD",
"quantity": 1,
"upc_code": null,
"weight": 1.0,
"weight_unit": "pound"
"id": "294396",
"amount": 3.67,
"country_of_origin": "CN",
"country_of_origin_source": "platform",
"description_customs": "Men’s 100% cotton costume for dress up",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Martian Soldier Costume",
"detail": null,
"dimensions": {
"height": 4.0,
"length": 6.0,
"unit": "inches",
"width": 11.0
"hs_code": null,
"hs_code_source": "Account default HS code",
"image_url": "https://zonos.com/images/handbag.webp",
"note": "Item was discounted by 18.37% from 4.50 USD to 3.67 USD",
"quantity": 1,
"upc_code": null,
"weight": 1.0,
"weight_unit": "pound"
"import_country": "FR"
要请求一个landed cost并享受免费运输,我们建议像处理折扣一样添加运输费用。输入正常的运输amount
"shipping": {
"amount": 7.0,
"amount_discount": 7.0,
"service_level": "ups_express_saver"
"customs": {
"amount_shipping": 7.0,
"delivery_duty_paid": "unknown",
"items": [
"id": "294395",
"amount": 16.0,
"country_of_origin": "CN",
"country_of_origin_source": "platform",
"description_customs": "Men's t-shirt 100% cotton",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Men's Tee Black",
"detail": null,
"dimensions": {
"height": 4.0,
"length": 6.0,
"unit": "inches",
"width": 11.0
"hs_code": "6217.10",
"hs_code_source": "Account default HS code",
"image_url": "https://zonos.com/images/handbag.webp",
"note": "Item was discounted by 20.00% from 20.00 USD to 16.00 USD",
"quantity": 1,
"upc_code": null,
"weight": 1.0,
"weight_unit": "pound"
"id": "294396",
"amount": 12.0,
"country_of_origin": "CN",
"country_of_origin_source": "platform",
"description_customs": "Men’s 100% cotton costume for dress up",
"description_retail": "Mars Attacks Martian Soldier Costume",
"detail": null,
"dimensions": {
"height": 4.0,
"length": 6.0,
"unit": "inches",
"width": 11.0
"hs_code": null,
"hs_code_source": "Account default HS code",
"image_url": "https://zonos.com/images/handbag.webp",
"note": "Item was discounted by 20.00% from 15.00 USD to 12.00 USD",
"quantity": 1,
"upc_code": null,
"weight": 1.0,
"weight_unit": "pound"
"import_country": "FR"
您可以使用自己的公式和规则在landed cost请求中的项目上应用折扣。这使您能够完全控制landed cost的计算方式。
出于有效的商业原因,零售商可能决定在landed cost计算中排除折扣。例如,如果您的商业发票金额与购物车金额和应用的折扣不一致,那么在landed cost计算中排除折扣可能更为实际。如果您选择排除折扣,landed cost金额将会更高,但它将与商业发票上显示的金额相匹配。
我正在使用Shopify的Duty and Tax应用。促销代码和折扣会与Zonos一起使用吗?
折扣如何影响 landed cost 计算。有多种选项可用于计算带折扣的到岸成本。使用 Landed Cost API 的客户可以使用 Zonos 的算法按比例分配折扣,或自行管理折扣的应用。免费商品和免费运输可以包含在计算中,只要所有金额都是正数。