Configure label settings

Configure label settings

Manage your label settings.


Zonos gives users the ability to view and update label preferences via Dashboard or API. Users can configure labelSize, labelFileType, and any descriptionOverride for labels and customs documentation.

Currently, this feature will only impact labels fetched via the API and will not have an impact on labels generated in Dashboard.

Checking live rates via Dashboard or the API 

To manage label settings, you can follow the instructions below to do so via the API or in Dashboard.

Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Labels. From here, you have the ability to view your default labelSize and labelType.

You can also enter an override that will apply to labels, customs docs, or both. If you apply an override, that value will be used for all products. If no override is set, we will use the item description in the label request.

Once you are satisfied with the changes, click Save label preferences.

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