Bulk Classify

Classify bulk upload

Use Dashboard for bulk item classification.

Upload a CSV with your items to Dashboard and instantly receive universal and country-specific HS code classifications. To ensure accurate classification, while only a product name is required, it is recommended to provide as many fields as possible to generate precise classifications.

Note: Universal (6-digit) 2022 WCO HS codes are included at no extra cost with country-specific classifications. If you only need universal classifications, you'll be charged.

Bulk classification steps 

Follow the steps below to submit and retrieve bulk HS code classifications via CSV.

Request limit: The default Classify bulk upload request limit is 50 MB or about 400,000 items.

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Products -> Bulk classification.
  2. Download the template CSV by clicking on New bulk request located in the top right corner.
  3. Add your product data. To ensure that Bulk Classify functions correctly, it is crucial that the data uploaded via CSV is formatted correctly using the provided sample CSV template in Dashboard.
    1. The only field (or in the context of the CSV, column header) required to request a bulk classification is a product name.
  4. Upload your completed CSV file by either clicking browse to locate the file or by dragging and dropping the file into the window.
  5. If you want to classify to specific countries, select add countries and select the countries you’d like to classify to.
  6. Once you have selected your countries, review the total classification breakdown to ensure accuracy, and then click request classifications.
  7. After submitting your request, wait until the classification is complete. You can monitor the progress by observing the progress bar in the bulk classification table.
  8. When the classification is complete (anywhere between one minute to a couple of hours depending on the file size), your request will appear in the Bulk classifications table. You can click anywhere on the row to open, view, and download your bulk classification.

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