Classify FAQs

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How can you access Classify?

Note: The Classify tool in Dashboard is an interface powered by the Zonos Classify API.

How much information is required to request a classification?

Only a product name is required to generate a classification. However, the more information provided, the more accurate your classification will be. Learn how to fill out Classify input fields for maximum classification accuracy.

How many digits does Classify return?

Classify returns HS codes between 6 and 14 digits. By default, Classify returns a 6-digit universal HS code, but if a ship-to country is provided in the request, it will return anywhere from 8-14 digits depending on the ship-to country (most commonly 10-digits). Learn more about the length of HS codes.

Does Classify's accuracy improve over time?

Yes, as Classify becomes familiar with your data and the historically known data set grows, Classify’s AI quickly learns and improves. After three months of classifying regularly and training your data via machine learning and human curation, Classify’s accuracy improves by an average of 27%.

What is the difference between a universal (6-digit) and a country-specific (8+ digit) code?

The first 6-digits of an HS code are universal for all 180+ countries using the World Customs Organization (WCO) tariff system. Any digits beyond that, varying from 8 to 14 total digits, are country-specific codes that impact duties and restrictions.

Do I need to use country-specific HS codes?

To avoid potential issues at customs and ensure that your landed cost quotes are accurate, we recommend using country-specific HS codes on your commercial invoice. While it's true that restrictions based on HS codes beyond the universal 6-digit are uncommon, and duties typically don't change beyond that level, using country-specific codes is a cautious and safe approach, especially if you’re shipping high-value or high-volume. Learn more about the differences between universal and country-specific HS codes.

What happens if my HS code is wrong or missing?

If you ship a package internationally with the wrong HS code or without an HS code, it is likely that the package will be delayed or rejected at customs. It’s also common that the customs officer will select an HS code with a higher duty rate to cover their time and inconvenience. Since the HS code is used to classify and track items for customs declaration and other international trade purposes, it is critical to obtain the correct HS code before shipping internationally.

What is Classify's response time?

The average response time for a single classification request is 110 milliseconds. For bulk requests, Classify can process approximately 8,000 per minute and 500,000 per hour.

Why can Classify generate different HS codes for similar products?

Small differences will always affect the probability of Classify's prediction. When two HS codes have similar probabilities, even a slight difference can push one HS code over the other. For example, Very cool t-shirt | S has a 29.997% chance of being HS_CODE_1 and a 30.001% chance of being HS_CODE_2. We would choose HS_CODE_2 for this item. However, Very cool t-shirt | M might have a slightly different probability distribution, perhaps now having a 30.002% chance of being HS_CODE_1 and only a 29.998% chance of being HS_CODE_2. The probability distribution only changed by 0.005%, but that was enough to change the resulting code.

What is the bulk classification limit?

To avoid timeouts during the upload process, the Classify API has a bulk limit of ~2,000 items. If you need to classify more items than that at once, divide your request into batches of ~2,000 items.

Through Dashboard, the Classify bulk limit is 6.5 MB or ~50,000 items.

Does Classify support translation?

Classify recognizes classification requests in over 100 languages. By default, the response will be in English. If a user wants their response in a language other than English, they'll need to include their desired language ISO code as the language_code value in their Classify API request.

How do I classify bundles?

To classify your bundles/sets, provide input fields based on the primary material or component that gives the bundle/set its "essential character." If the items in your bundle/set don't have common characteristics, we recommend classifying them separately. Learn more about classifying bundles/sets according to the general rules of interpretation rule 3(b).

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