
Configure settings

Modify settings to only screen when you need it.


Easily update preferences to exclude specific countries, organizations, or entire lists directly from your Dashboard, ensuring Screen aligns with your needs.

Note: By default, we will check parties in Screen requests against all of the denied party lists we have available. If you want to exclude certain lists or issuing countries, you can do so in Dashboard.

Exclude a country or organization

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Screen settings.
  2. Click Edit preferences.
  3. Uncheck the boxes next to the issuing country or countries you wish to exclude.
  4. Click Save.

Exclude a list or group of lists

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Screen settings.
  2. Click Edit preferences.
  3. Select the country that issues the list you wish to exclude.
  4. Uncheck the boxes next to the list or lists you wish to exclude.
    1. Repeat this process if you want to exclude specific lists issued by multiple countries.
  5. Click Save.

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