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Prevent shipping to prohibited parties.

Ship confidently with Zonos Screen, ensuring your cross-border shipments comply with international laws by avoiding transactions with individuals, organizations, and entities on denied party lists. Zonos Screen cross-references transaction parties against these lists—maintained by governments and international organizations—to validate and verify compliance, using details like names, company names, and addresses. This process safeguards your business transactions, ensuring they do not engage with prohibited parties.

Zonos API 

Screen is available in the Zonos API and can screen persons and companies against denied party listings. With Screen, you can ensure recipients or any other parties to the transaction are not present on government-authored denied party listings.

How Screen works 

Screen supports 183 languages. However, it is rare for any location to have alternate names in more than 24 languages. Generally speaking, if the location (country, city, state, etc) has alternate names in different languages, we will support it. With name matching, we work to capture the different ways of writing the same name with different scripts. For example, we will be able to match Françoise Dürr with Francoise Durr without issue.

When we receive a screening request, we compare the data provided to the information in our party screening database. In all cases, party names are also compared against known aliases.

If a match is found, a REVIEW response is returned containing either anEXACT_MATCH or NO_MATCHon the fields that were passed in the request. In both cases, details are provided on exactly which fields triggered a matching result.

Screen will return matches in the following scenarios:

  • When we find an exact or partial match on both a person and a location.
  • When we find an exact match on the address for a denied party regardless of name.

In both cases, fuzzy matching is used to account for variances between what is passed and returned.

In addition to showing fields that match, Screen will return a confidence score between 0 and 1 for the name, location, and composite of the information passed in the request. Confidence scores will appear in a result as follows:

"location": 0.99, "name": 0.96, "overall": 0.97

If no matches are found, a NO_MATCHES response is returned. This means that the party data provided in the request did not trigger a match on at least the party name or address.

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