Order details

Order details

Learn how the Order details endpoint works.

The orderDetail endpoint is used to securely retrieve the order details and status of an order completed via the Zonos Checkout.


Note: The response keys may be modified and/or additional keys may be added. If you will be using the endpoint, please set up your code to accommodate for these possibilities.


HTTPS request

Message formatJSON
Accept HTTP headerAccept: application/json
Content-Type HTTP headerContent-Type: application/json

JSON key/value pairs in the request body

orderId OPTIONAL, if passing referenceId parameterThe Zonos order Id can be passed with or without your store Id and hyphen (Example: 123-45678 or 45678). Note: After order completion and payment, the customer will be redirected to an Order Completion / Order Thank You page hosted on your domain. The URL will contain a querystring parameter “orderId” that will contain this value.integer / string
referenceId OPTIONAL, if passing “orderId” parameterThis parameter is used to look up an order’s data by the unique referenceId passed in the createTempCart API Service endpoint. This parameter should be left off or null when intending to look up the order detail based on orderId parameter.string
secret REQUIREDAPI secret GUID provided by Zonosstring
storeId REQUIREDStore ID provided by Zonos.integer

Error HTTP responses

Error codemessagemeaning
415Unsupported media typeHTML Entity. HTTP “Content-Type” header is invalid.
406Not AcceptableHTML Entity. HTTP “Accept” header is invalid.
400Bad Request“error”:”orderId: 999-99999 is not a valid orderId”“error”:”Could not find an order with orderId: 999-99999”“error”:”Invalid security credentials”“error”:”Invalid post body”“error”:”Parameter orderId or referenceId is required”“error”:”Cannot specify both Parameters orderId and referenceId”“error”:”No order found with orderId: 999-99999”“error”:”Parameter store required”“error”:”No order found with referenceId: 999999 for storeId: 999”“error”:”referenceId: 999999 for storeId: 999 has been duplicated”“error”:”Couldn’t retrieve order with referenceId: 999999”
500Internal Server Error“error”:”Couldn’t process order details”

Response JSON definitions

errorThis parameter is present only when an error has occurred and will contain an error description.string
orderThis is a map of the order details.JSON string
order.billingZipBilling address for the order - the values were entered into the Zonos Checkout.string
orderboxCountThis field describes the boxes that will be used to ship the order, passed into the createTempCart request.string
order.carrierAccountNumberA visitor’s own shipping carrier account number; used when visitor carrier accounts are enabledstring
order.carrierAccountShippingMethodThe selected shipping method on the visitor’s own shipping carrier account; used when visitor carrier accounts are enabledstring
order.cslListMatchConsolidated Screening List (CSL) match. A boolean that indicates when the customer information has produced a match in the US Consolidated Screening List and should be reviewed for possible denied party affiliation.boolean
order.customerSelectedShippingNameShipping option display name inside the Zonos Checkoutstring
order.dutyTaxesBreakdownA map of the duty/tax breakdownNote - If applicable, IPF (International Processing Fee) is not included.JSON string
order.dutyTaxesBreakdown.brokerageFeeBrokerage fee amount in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.dutyTaxesBreakdown.dispursementFeeDispursement fee amount in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.dutyTaxesBreakdown.dutyDuty amount in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.dutyTaxesBreakdown.prepaymentFeePrepayment fee amount in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.dutyTaxesBreakdown.vatOnDispursementFeeVAT/tax amount on dispursement fee in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.dutyTaxesBreakdown.vatTaxVAT/tax amount in USD, does not include the VAT/tax on the dispursement fee; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.dutyTaxesTotalDuty and tax total in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.foreignCurrencyCodeThe currency code that the order payment settled in.string
remittance_amountThe amount of money that needs to be remitted to a specific country, e.g., _ UK VAT_.decimal
order.grandTotalGrand total in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.grandTotalForeignGrand total in settled currency; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.itemsA list of item mapsThe item map contains details about the item that were passed to the Zonos Checkout upon temp cart creationFor more details on item properties, please review the createTempCart API docJSON string
order.itemsCountCount of order line itemsinteger
order.itemsTotalItems / product total in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.itemsTotalForeignItems / product total in the settled currency; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.items[index].heightPositive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.items[index].lengthPositive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.items[index].weightPositive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.items[index].widthPositive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.items[index].unitPricePositive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.merchantOrderIdMerchantOrderId associated with the order through the updateMerchantOrderId API service endpoint.string
order.misc1Additional value associated with the order through the createTempCart API service endpoint.string
order.misc2Additional value associated with the order through the createTempCart API service endpoint.string
order.misc3Additional value associated with the order through the createTempCart API service endpoint.string
order.misc4Additional value associated with the order through the createTempCart API service endpoint.string
order.misc5Additional value associated with the order through the createTempCart API service endpoint.string
order.misc6Additional value associated with the order through the createTempCart API service endpoint.string
order.nationalIdentifierAdditional international billing address information for the order when required. The values were entered into the Zonos Checkout.string
order.notesA list of note maps; the note map contains details about the order note.JSON string
order.notes[index].customerNoteA boolean indicating if this was a customer created note about the order, shipping, etc.boolean
order.notes[index].flaggedA boolean indicating if this note was flagged as important
order.notes[index].noteThe note contentstring
order.optInEmailIndicates that the customer selected the check box for “sign up for our newsletter” inside the Zonos CheckoutApplicable only if you have chosen to display this check box on the checkout pageboolean
order.orderIdThe order’s identification number in the Zonos systemstring
order.orderDateThe order creation timestamp millis in UTC/GMT.millis
order.orderDateStringThe order creation timestamp string in UTC/GMT.string
order.orderStatusThe status/state of the order in the Zonos system. For more details on orderStatus usage, please review the Retrieve an order document here.Additional information on the order statuses can be found in the Update an order document here.string
order.orderStatusDateThe timestamp millis in UTC/GMT of the most recent orderStatus change in the Zonos system.millis
order.orderStatusDateStringThe timestamp string in UTC/GMT of the most recent orderStatus change in the Zonos system.string
order.paymentProcessingA map of the paymentProcessing details. Some parameters may not be applicable to your account and will be excluded from the response.JSON string
order.paymentProcessing.captureDateThe date of payment capture in millis, if available.If Zonos is processing the payment, this node is excluded from the response.millis
order.paymentProcessing.captureDateStringThe date of payment capture as string, if available.If Zonos is processing the payment, this node is excluded from the response.string
order.paymentProcessing.cardTypeCredit card brandIf Zonos is processing the payment, this node is excluded from the response.string
order.paymentProcessing.lastFourThe last four numbers of the billing credit card number.If Zonos is processing the payment, this node is excluded from the response.string
order.paymentProcessing.paymentGatewayPayment gateway nameIf Zonos is processing the payment, will indicate “iGlobal_CC” or “iGlobal_PayPal”.string
order.paymentProcessing.transactionTypeIndicates the transaction type“AUTH_CAPTURE” or “AUTH_ONLY”.If Zonos is processing the payment, this node is excluded from the response.string
order.poNumberA purchase order number for the order specified inside the Zonos Checkout; used when purchase orders are enabledstring
order.quotedDutyTaxesDuty and tax quoted in the Zonos Checkout, displayed in USD; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.quotedDutyTaxesForeignDuty and tax quoted in the Zonos Checkout. Displayed in settled currency; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.referenceIdUnique referenceId associated with the order through the createTempCart API service endpoint.string
order.shipCompleteIndicates whether the order should ship in multiple partsboolean
order.shippingCarrierServiceLevelCarrier and service level identifier for the selected shipping optionstring
order.shippingInstructionsCustomizable instructions for the shipping service levelstring
order.shippingTotalShipping total in USD; positive floating point, two decimal places integer
order.shippingTotalForeignShipping total in the settled currency; positive floating point, two decimal placesinteger
order.testOrderIndicates if the order is a test order.boolean
order.trackingNumberTracking number generated for the shipment, if applicable.string
order.zipDestination / shipping address for the order - the values were entered into the Zonos Checkout or were passed to the order through the redirect to the Zonos Checkout.string

Additional data types:

  • order.address1
  • order.address2
  • order.address3
  • order.altPhone
  • order.billingAddress1
  • order.billingAddress2
  • order.billingAddress3
  • order.billingAltPhone
  • order.billingCity
  • order.birthDate
  • order.billingCompany
  • order.billingCountryCode
  • order.billingCountryName
  • order.billingEmail
  • order.billingName
  • order.billingPhone
  • order.billingState
  • order.countryCode
  • order.countryName
  • order.items[index].countryOfOrigin
  • order.items[index].description
  • order.items[index].imageURL
  • order.items[index].itemBrand
  • order.items[index].itemCategory
  • order.items[index].itemColor
  • order.items[index].itemCustomization
  • order.items[index].itemDescriptionDetailed
  • order.items[index].itemDescriptionLong
  • order.items[index].itemFabricContent
  • order.items[index].itemHSCode
  • order.items[index].itemLtlClass
  • order.items[index].itemMaterial
  • order.items[index].itemURL
  • order.items[index].productId
  • order.items[index].sku
  • order.items[index].productId
  • order.items[index].weightUnits
  • order.state

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