Request order completed details
POST | https://api.iglobalstores.com/2.0/order-completed
- Create a new request for information related to a completed order.
HTTPS request
Field | Notes |
HTTP method | POST |
Endpoint URL | https://api.iglobalstores.com/2.0/order-completed |
Protocol | HTTPS |
Message format | JSON |
Accept HTTP header | Accept: application/json |
Security token HTTP header | serviceToken: your-test-token-valueAdd a header to your HTTPS request named serviceToken with a value of your test security API token. (Contact your Account Manager for this token.) |
Content-Type HTTP header | Content-Type: application/jsonBecause you will be posting JSON data to the service, add a header to your HTTPS request named Content-Type with a value of application/json |
JSON key/value pairs in the request body
Message Format: JSON
Example request
"billingAddress": {
"address1": "123 S West Elm St",
"address2": null,
"address3": null,
"city": "Calgary",
"countryCode": "CA",
"postalCode": "T2P 5G8",
"state": "Alberta",
"stateCode": null
"billingCompany": null,
"billingEmail": "jdoe@jdoe.com",
"billingName": "John E. Doe",
"billingPhone": "+1 555-555-5555",
"orderGrandTotal": 1225.89,
"orderNumber": "854725421",
"paymentTypeCode": "PAYPAL",
"prepaidDutyTax": true,
"shippingQuoteId": "bcdbdbcd-0145-4d3b-a54e-0de3cdce5a0a",
"shipToCompany": null,
"shipToEmail": "jdoe@jdoe.com",
"shipToName": "John Doe",
"shipToPhone": "+1 555-555-5555"
Request JSON definitions
Field | Notes |
billingAddress REQUIRED | This is the billing address of the order.This is a map containing the following address fields: address1 , address2 , address3 , city , state , stateCode , postalCode , and countryCode . These contained fields are either required or not required based on the country. The localization endpoint returns which specific address fields are required or not for each country. Note: stateCode is always not required and not declared in the localization endpoint. You may pass stateCode , if available. |
billingCompany OPTIONAL | This is the billing company name of the order. |
billingEmail REQUIRED | This is the billing email address of the order. |
billingName REQUIRED | This is the complete billing name of the order. |
billingPhone REQUIRED | This is the billing phone number of the order. |
items[index].orderGrandTotal REQUIRED | This is the grand total paid by the shopper for their order in USD (US Dollars). Please provide without commas, without a dollar sign “$”, and with two decimal places.Example value: 2102.99 |
items[index].orderNumber REQUIRED | This is your order number for the newly completed order.Example value: 854725421 |
paymentTypeCode REQUIRED | The payment method used by the shopper to pay for their order.Example values: PayPal or Visa or MC or AMEX or DISC |
prepaidDutyTax REQUIRED | Did the shopper elect to prepay their import duties and taxes or were they forced to prepay them? If so, set to true; if not, set to false.Example values: true or false |
shippingQuoteId REQUIRED | This is the ID of the shipping quote the shopper chose.The cart details need to be the same as they were when the shipping quotes were retrieved. If the cart details have changed, then you should have called for new shipping quotes before completing the shopper’s order. |
shipToCompany OPTIONAL | This is the company name of the individual who will receive the shipped order. |
shipToEmail REQUIRED | This is the email address of the individual who will receive the shipped order. |
shipToName REQUIRED | This is the complete name of the individual who will receive the shipped order. |
shipToPhone REQUIRED | This is the phone number of the individual who will receive the shipped order. |
HTTPS response
Message format: JSON
Example response for only Canada & Australia
Note: Actual responses will contain all supported countries.
Example response
"igOrderId": "e55a4efc-e615-49af-b3a4-afcda87e9e5e",
"deniedParty": {
"flagged": true,
"source": "source reference for review"
Response JSON definitions
Field | Notes |
deniedParty | This is a map of the denied party screening results.If set to null, then the denied party screening wasn’t performed. Contact your Zonos rep if you encounter this. |
deniedParty.flagged | Whether or not this order has matched a record in the Zonos denied party consolidated lists.If true, review this order before processing. When in doubt, don’t process an order that is flagged true.Example values: true or false |
deniedParty.source | If the flagged field was set to true, this field will hold source references useful in reviewing why the order was flagged as matching a denied party. |
igOrderId | Zonos identifier for the newly completed order.Example value: e55a4efc-e615-49af-b3a4-afcda87e9e5e |
Order Completed API Legacy
Learn how the legacy Order Complete API works.The Order Completed endpoint accepts the final details of the shopper's order, screens the order details for denied parties, and returns the results along with a Zonos-specific order ID.