Update order status

Update order status

Learn how the endpoint to update order status works.

The updateVendorOrderStatus endpoint is used to update the order status of an order inside the Zonos System. This will be used to programmatically update the order’s shipping status or to request a cancellation.

Current order status values 

Below is a current list of order statuses that an order may have.

Caution - Zonos may add more statuses at any time; your system should accommodate the presence of additional statuses.

The statuses in production will remain in production. Zonos will never remove existing statuses.

StatusDescriptionSettable by
IGLOBAL_FRAUD_REVIEWThe order is currently under fraud review by iGlobal.Zonos
IGLOBAL_ORDER_IN_PROCESSThe order is valid and ready for processing.Zonos
IGLOBAL_ORDER_ON_HOLDThe order is currently on a temporary status hold.Zonos
IGLOBAL_ORDER_CANCELLEDThe order has been cancelled in the iGlobal System.Zonos
VENDOR_PREPARING_ORDERThe vendor has marked the order in preparation.Vendor
VENDOR_SHIPMENT_READYThe vendor has marked the order ready for shipping.Vendor
VENDOR_LABELS_PRINTED_DATEThe vendor has printed shipping labels.Vendor
VENDOR_CANCELLATION_REQUESTThe order has been requested for cancellation.Vendor
VENDOR_END_OF_DAY_COMPLETEThe order is finalized and complete.Vendor

vendorOrderStatus cannot be updated by the vendor while the order is in one of the following order statuses:


HTTPS request


Endpoint URL
Message formatJSON
Accept HTTP headerAccept: application/json
Content-Type HTTP headerContent-Type: application/json

JSON key/value pairs in the request body

Message format: JSON


  "store": "999",
  "secret": "f5bde245-f55e-414d-b722-80b25161c12c",
  "orderId": "999-9999",

Request JSON definitions

orderId REQUIREDThe Zonos order ID can be passed with or without your store ID and hyphen (Example: 123-45678 or 45678).After order completion and payment, the customer will be redirected to an order completion / order thank you page hosted on your domain. The URL will contain a querystring parameter orderID that will contain this value.integer / string
orderStatus REQUIREDThis field is used to update the Zonos system with the new status of an order.The following order statuses are settable via this API.- VENDOR_PREPARING_ORDER
  • VENDOR_CANCELLATION_REQUEST``string | | secret REQUIRED | API secret GUID provided by Zonos.string | | store REQUIRED | Store ID provided by Zonosinteger |

HTTPS response

Message format: JSON

Example success response

  "success": "Updated Order: 99999 to new order status: VENDOR_PREPARING_ORDER"

Example error response

  "error": "OrderId: 99999 cannot be moved to order status: VENDOR_PREPARING_ORDER while in status: IGLOBAL_FRAUD_REVIEW"

Error HTTP responses

HTTP Response CodesResponse Body Example/Description
406 - Not AcceptableHTML Entity. HTTP “Accept” header is invalid.
415 - Unsupported media typeHTML Entity. HTTP “Content-Type” header is invalid.
200“error”:“could not parse input”
200“error”:“Parameter orderId required for updateVendorOrderStatus”
200“error”:“Parameter orderStatus required for updateVendorOrderStatus.”
200“error”:“orderId: 999-99999 is not a valid orderId”
200“error”:“Could not retrieve order to updateVendorOrderStatus from orderId: 999-99999”
200“error”:“OrderId: 999-99999 has already been cancelled and status cannot be updated.”
200“error”:“Cannot update order status to status: VENDOR_CANCELLATION_REQUEST”
200“error”:“Cannot update order status to invalid status: NEW_ORDER_STATUS”
200“error”:“OrderId: 999-99999 already has current status: VENDOR_SHIPMENT_READY”
200“error”:“OrderId: 999-99999 cannot be moved to order status: VENDOR_CANCELLATION_REQUEST while in status: VENDOR_END_OF_DAY_COMPLETE”
200“error”:“New Status: NEW_ORDER_STATUS is not a valid order status”
200“error”:“Could not process updateVendorOrderStatus.”
200“error”:“Invalid security credentials”

Response JSON definitions

successThis parameter will contain a summary of the update.string
errorThis parameter will only be present in the response when an error has occurred and will contain a description of the cause.string

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