
Argentina country guide

Learn about cross-border ecommerce, shipping, and importing.

If you are looking to grow your ecommerce business into 🇦🇷 Attribution for Twitter Emojis: ©️ Twitter, Inc. Argentina, you've come to the right place. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about selling goods into Argentina.

Ease of importing goods score: D 

Ease of doing business 3/5

  • Most ecommerce shipments go through a simple entry process.
  • Argentina is a World Tade Organization (WTO) member with many trade agreements in place, which is favorable for doing business.
  • Argentina’s requirements for qualifying shipments using a formal entry process can be time consuming and costly.
  • Argentina requires an import license for formal entry shipments, which can be tedious if the recipient does use a carrier that offers brokerage services (only available for shipments up to $3,000 USD) or does not hire a customs broker.

Landed cost fairness 2/5

  • The duty rate range is reasonable, which makes for a fair landed cost.
  • The import tax is high, which can make for a higher landed cost.
  • There is no de minimis for courier shipments, which means these imports are subject to duty and tax.
  • Certificates of origin from the U.S. must be stamped by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or authenticated by an Argentine embassy or consulate, which is a difficult process.

Accessibility and variety of payment methods 5/5

  • Argentina accepts international payment methods, which is convenient for cross-border transactions.

Market opportunity 4/5

  • Over 80% of the population use the internet and more than half shop online, making the market opportunity high.

Key stats for Argentina 

Population46.1 million (2022)
GDP1.026 trillion USD (2022)
GDP per capita12,390 USD (2021)
Internet penetration83% of the population use the internet. (2022)
Ecommerce users59% of the population shop online. (2022)
Leading product categoriesFood and beverage products; clothing; and home and garden supplies
Preferred online payment method(s)Credit and debit cards, bank transfers, online payment gateways, and digital wallets
CurrencyArgentine Peso/ARS/$

Landed cost for Argentina 

Terms to know
  • CIF: CIF (cost, insurance, freight) is a method for calculating import taxes or duties where the tax is calculated on the cost of the order plus the cost of freight and insurance.
  • FOB: FOB (freight on board or free on board) is a valuation method for calculating import taxes or duties where the fees are calculated only on the cost of the goods sold. FOB is not calculated on the shipping, duty, insurance, etc.

Landed cost is the total price of an international shipment from the time of purchase to the time of delivery. It is calculated based on country-specific factors such as de minimis values, duty and tax rates, applicable trade agreements, and more. Landed cost calculations consist of:

  • Product price
  • Shipping
  • Duties
  • Taxes
  • Fees (currency conversion, carrier, broker, customs, or government fees)

De minimis value

Duty and tax will be charged only on imports into Argentina where the total FOB value of the import exceeds Argentina’s minimum value threshold (de minimis). Argentina does not have a de minimis for courier shipments, which means duty and tax fees are charged on all courier imports. The only time goods are exempt from duty and tax on a courier shipment is when they receive preferential treatment through trade agreements.

For postal shipments, however, the duty and tax de minimis is 50 USD and any import exceeding this value will be subject to duty and tax. Once a sender has exceeded the twelve-shipment de minimis threshold, the 50 USD de minimis goes away.

Duty and tax de minimis

  • Postal shipments
    • Tax de minimis: 50 USD
    • Duty De minimis: 50 USD

The de minimis for postal shipments is only valid for 12 shipments per year.

  • Courier shipments
    • Tax de minimis: 0 USD
    • Duty de minimis: 0 USD

Based on the FOB value of the order

Value-added tax

  • Standard rate: 21%
  • Special rate: 10.5% and 2.5%
    • Certain products, like living bovine animals and certain capital goods (depending on the HS code), are subject to a reduced rate of 10.5%. Certain newspapers and magazines are subject to a reduced rate of 2.5%.

Applied to the CIF value of the order

Import duty

Duty range

  • 0-35%

Applied to the CIF value of the order

Some products have specific duty rates, meaning their duty is based on the quantity of the goods in the shipment, e.g., 0.7 cents per kilogram.

Postal shipments

Duty fees should not be paid as long as the postal value limit of 12 shipments with a total of 50 USD per shipment annually or 600 USD annually is not surpassed.

Do not pay duty on postal shipment…

  • If the value of your postal shipment does not exceed 50 USD.

Required to pay duty on postal shipments…

  • If the value of your postal shipment exceeds 50 USD, you will pay a 50% duty fee on the surplus.
    • For example: If your postal shipment has a value of 80 USD, it exceeds the 50 USD de minimis by 30 USD. You will pay a 50% import duty fee on that surplus of 30 USD. In this case, the duty fee is 15 USD (50% of 30 USD).
  • If you exceed 12 personal shipments in a year or ship over 600 USD worth of postal shipments, then you will pay a 50% duty fee on the total value of your shipment.
    • For example: If your postal shipment has a value of 80 USD, then you will pay a 50% duty fee on that shipment. In this case, the duty fee is 40 USD (50% of 80 USD).
  • If it is your first time surpassing the 12 postal shipments with a 50 USD value or the 600 USD limit, then a 50 USD franchise dollars can be discounted, and then a 50% duty fee is charged on the rest of the value.
    • For example: If a product is purchased for 550 USD, taxes must be paid for 250 USD (550 USD-50 USD=500 USD) and (50% of 500 USD=250 USD).
    • This discount will not be applied to subsequent purchases.

Trade agreements

Argentina is part of at least 20 trade agreements that offer a zero or highly discounted duty rate for goods manufactured in participating countries.

Argentina is a member of the World Trade Organization

As a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Argentina must abide by the most-favored-nation (MFN) clause, which requires a country to provide any concessions, privileges, or immunities granted to one nation in a trade agreement to all other WTO member countries. For example, if one country reduces duties by 10% for a particular WTO country, the MFN clause states that all WTO members will receive the same 10% reduction.

Landed cost examples

Below is a sample landed cost breakdown for a courier shipment (most common) to Argentina calculated using Zonos Quoter. Since there is no duty or tax de minimis, duty and tax will always apply:

Landed cost for a courier shipment to

Landed cost for a shipment to Argentina above the de

Customs resources 

Shipping and compliance 

Top courier services

  • DHL Express
  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • USPS

Courier fees

Depending on the courier, additional shipping fees may include:

  • Tracking
  • Insurance
  • Fuel surcharge
  • Remote delivery charge
  • Signature fee
  • Overweight or oversized fee
  • Special handling fee
  • Dangerous goods fee
  • etc.

Shipping resources

Documentation and paperwork

Always needed:

  • Bill of lading or air waybill

  • Commercial invoice (three copies and must be in Spanish)

  • The recipient’s CĂłdigo Ăšnico de IdentificaciĂłn Tributaria [Unique Code for Taxpaying Identification] (CUIT) number

    • This number should be provided by the recipient and present on all shipping documents. This will be collected upon import. If the carrier is clearing the shipment, they will contact the recipient.

Sometimes needed:

  • Packaging list

  • Insurance certificate

    • This is needed only for maritime shipments if the exporter purchased insurance coverage.
  • Certificate of origin

    • Certain items, like clothing, footwear, chemicals, bicycle parts, air conditioning equipment, toys, wood fiberboard, and flat-rolled iron or steel require a certificate of origin for import. This can be to claim preferential tariff treatment or due to other factors such as:

      • Anti-dumping duties
      • Countervailing and safeguard measures
      • Import quotas and trade statistics

Certificates of origin from the U.S. must be stamped by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or authenticated by an Argentine embassy or consulate.

Prohibited, restricted, and controlled imports into Argentina

Government agencies regulate imports.

Prohibited vs. restricted vs. controlled items

Restricted items are different from prohibited items. Prohibited items are not allowed to be imported into a country at all. Restricted items are not allowed to be imported into a country unless the importer has approval or a special license. Controlled goods have military or national security significance.

Prohibited items:

  • Some types of used motor vehicles
  • Certain used machinery
  • Used tires
  • Certain chemicals
  • Dangerous substances and residues
  • Medical products containing nimesulide
  • Telephone terminals
  • Raw cotton
  • Used clothing (unless donated to a government agency)
  • Certain food additives and dyes
  • Shipments containing any dangerous chemicals or substances
  • Pet food containing ruminant-origin material
  • Certain incandescent light bulbs
  • Toys and childcare products containing phthalates

Restricted items:

  • Alcoholic beverages (except wine)
  • Food products
  • Health supplements

Clearance types

Shipments entering Argentina go through one of two clearance types depending on the criteria they meet:

Shipments go through the courier and postal clearance system when they meet all of the following criteria:

  • Shipment value: Less than 1,000 USD
  • Shipment weight: Less than 110lbs
  • No restricted items present in the shipment

The courier clearance system is a simple entry process that allows the carrier to clear the package and delivery it to the recipient’s door.

Package labeling and marking requirements

When exporting to Argentina, your package labels and markings must adhere to the following rules:

  • Labels must be in Spanish except for foreign phrases that wouldn’t translate well into Spanish.
  • Measurements must be in metric units.

The label must be on the package printed with the following information:

  • Name and description of the product(s)
  • Country of origin
  • Quality, purity, or blending description
  • Net weight

Frequently asked questions 

When do I need an import license to ship to Argentina?

If your goods meet the criteria for formal entry outlined in this guide, you will need an import license. If you do not have a brokerage license, you should use a customs broker’s services.

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